“Therefore, Do Not Worry About Tomorrow….”



“My soul doth magnify the Lord, And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour. For he hath regarded the low estate of his handmaiden:…” (Luke 1:46-48)

I have a praise report!  Because of the abundance in generosity of some dear friends in Christ, we were blessed with enough funds to:  1) Set up $1,000.00 emergency fund (baby step #1 from Dave Ramsey!), pay Mark’s child support for his daughter for March, get our account back in the black and ahead on our mortgage, and knock out 5 credit cards completely!!!  I am SO thankful that there are still wonderful and generous people in the world today that truly care about the needs of their fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.  At this point, we will just have 2 more doctor bills we are making payments on, one credit card left, our attorney we are still making payments to (from 4 years ago!), our HVAC we are making payments on and Mark’s student loan, which right now, we are paying zero on because our income is so low.  If I cancel our life insurance policy, that would ALMOST meet our monthly budget (we don’t have everything in our budget right now, like a clothing allowance, entertainment, eating out, auto and household maintenance, etc…this budget is just the BASICS of bills we owe, food, gas, utilities and phone.)

I am learning to trust God ONE day at a time.  Worry is when we think about future things, of what “could happen”.  I have learned that thinking of “what could be” just adds more stress to my life.  Instead, I will trust God one bill at a time.  That’s just what I have to do.  

“Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day [is] the evil thereof.” Matthew 6:34

Sooo…..I am so so so thankful to our friends who were so generous in helping us!  And thankful to GOD from whom all blessings flow!  He is SO SO good to us!!  

My faith was made stronger in this, and I am looking forward to sharing more testimonies of HIS faithfulness to us in these hard times we are in presently.  I am believing God that He will bring us out and on the other side of blessing others one day!

To God be all the glory!! 

“But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. “So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”  Matthew 6:33-34 NASB


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A Lesson In Time Management

This morning, as I was walking, a had a few thoughts.  This is very typical.  Seems like every time I go out to get some fresh air and alone time, my mind will have a chance to clear and really think and ponder some things in my life.  Well, one of those thoughts was about how I spend my time.  I have been “meaning” to get a home management binder together with schedules, etc…oh, since about 3 years ago.  Now that I have three children 5 and under (all boys) and a 16 year old daughter, my time seems to be getting less and less each day, to be productive and accomplish the things I need to do.  It seems the less time I have available, the more I need to carefully manage my time well.  So, I am now on a mission to get it together before I drown!  I had a thought:  You know how it says in the Bible that a “Deacon” needs to be a husband to one wife, manage his children/house well, for if he can not manage his own family, how can he manage the household of God? (1 Timothy 3:4-5)  Well….how about us wives?  Aren’t we called to be managers of our own homes and children?  If our houses are a mess, our homes are chaotic and disorganized and our children are “holy terrors”, how can we expect to minister to others, when we can’t even manage our own homes?  Think about that for a minute.  We sometimes think that those things are not important, however, we need to realize that if we don’t have it together at home, our spiritual life will indeed suffer to some extent.  The chaos in our homes that is not in order will affect us emotionally, (feeling stressed out and overwhelmed) spiritually, (not making a routine time set aside to spend with the Lord will lead to spiritual leanness and dryness) and end up draining us of energy (physically).  We need to get the basics down before we can move on to the community around us in ministry.  No, we can’t be perfect, I understand that.  But we need to have order in our homes before we can be effective ministers to other ladies and other families.  So…in these coming weeks I am going to put my spare time into researching, brainstorming, etc. different ways I can come up with some sort of a plan of action and a daily/weekly/monthly routine.

Another thought I had was that we make time for those things that are important to us.  Think about that.  What is really, truly important in life?  Do we even have our priorities straight?  Do we make time to read magazines for an hour a day, but neglect to read to our children or help them develop in other areas?  Do we make time for Facebook, but our homes are in total disarray?  Do we make time to watch T.V. programs, yet fail to schedule in time for our physical health (ie: exercise)?  So that is what I will be working on.  I am just tired of feeling overwhelmed and with no “plan of action”, so to speak.  It’s time to get my house in order!!!  I hope you will consider these things too!  I am also going to be working on a project that I hope will help others too, since I know not everyone is born with the knowledge they need to be excellent home makers.  It takes work, knowledge, practice and time.  So onward ho for me in my quest for a more organized, managed, well-run  home!  I know the labor will pay off in the long run for my family and especially me! 🙂

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Facing The Waves Of Circumstance


“And in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went unto them, walking on the sea.

And when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying, It is a spirit; and they cried out for fear.

But straightway Jesus spake unto them, saying, Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid.

And Peter answered him and said, Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee on the water.

And he said, Come. And when Peter was come down out of the ship, he walked on the water, to go to Jesus.

 But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me.

And immediately Jesus stretched forth [his] hand, and caught him, and said unto him, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?

And when they were come into the ship, the wind ceased.”  Matthew 14:25-32

Wow.  Can you imagine walking on the sea?  I can’t.  It’s enough for me to learn to walk on the path of life, learning to do just the basics of following God day by day, let alone the tests and trials that either prove, try or test us to see whether our faith is truly in HIM, or in our circumstances.

Even after seeing Yeshua (Jesus) walking on the water, it was still a challenge for Peter to have faith that he himself could do it.  Sometimes we know what is in the Word, we know God’s promises, yet we still find ourselves struggling to do things out of our own way of thinking, our own strength, ideas, etc.

As I am on this journey of trusting God right now, I find myself wanting to go back to the way I used to do things – falling back on credit cards, being tempted to apply for government assistance, etc.  It feels safe.  It feels good to my flesh, temporarily, knowing that we will be taken care of in the moment.  Yet…I find the question pressing me, in the back of my mind, “Jen, is that really, trusting God to provide, or are you trusting in your own devices?”

This is a place I have never been in before.  I have cut up my credit cards, determining to trust God for providence.  It is self-denying.  It is scary, to be honest.  I have never been in a place of trusting God quite like this.

I can trust God for my health, and for keeping my life in His hands, but yet when it comes to trusting God for providence, I keep wanting to fall back on my own means.  But even then, I have been finding God providing in small ways.

Just last Friday, I needed some groceries, and had 100.00 left in my account.  (I didn’t have a calculator on me, and didn’t even try to add it together in my head.)  The total was $104.00.  I looked, and I had exactly 4 dollars in my wallet.  Coincidence?  Maybe, but it looks like God’s provision to me.

Today, I had to go to the DMV to apply for a new title for the little Civic we just bought from our friends.  I had no idea how much it would cost, so when I got to the counter, she asked me for 130.00, that I didn’t have, and 5.00 cash.  Between Andrea and I, we came up with 5.00 in change.   Yes, quarters, dimes and nickels!  We had just barely enough to cover it.  My check, on the other hand…is floating, and hopefully won’t clear until Friday.  Ugh.  I hate doing that.  But what else could I do?  I could do no other thing but once again, trust God.

When my husband took the job he is working now, we had no idea we would be making half of what he was making before.  The ad led us to believe there would be overtime, but there isn’t.  The company is barely surviving.  But my dear husband thought to himself that he would rather be working than sitting at home collecting unemployment.  Even though his current job now makes less of what he was making on unemployment!  (But we didn’t think it would with overtime…)  He remembered the Scripture, “…if any would not work, neither should he eat.” 2 Thess. 3:10, and I appreciate that about him.  He is a hard worker and often comes home in pain from the hard labor he does, crawling around under houses, digging trenches, drilling, etc.

This is so hard, I’ll be honest.  But I know that “ALL things work for good to those who love Him and are the called, according to His purpose.”  (Romans 8:28)

I never thought we would be that family.   You know, the one who seems to be the charity case.  The one people sometimes wonder in the back of their minds if the situation they are in is because they are doing something wrong. (Come on, admit you have thought that at times.)  It is humbling.  I don’t understand it. But I know that He is working.  I see it in the small things.  And, as someone told me once, “on the other side of the test is the testimony.”

I am choosing to look to my Lord instead of the waves.  I want to learn what it truly is to have faith in Him alone.  Not in plastic, not in the government.  In Him.  Maybe I am wrong, I don’t know…  but I just feel like I need to let go of the “safety nets” of this world, and put my trust in Him alone.  He is good.  He is faithful.  I can put my trust in Him because of that.   But I will confess, it is self-crucifying.  It is not a place I want to be in.  I am having to learn a totally different lifestyle that re-defines what a “need” really is.  Nevertheless, it is a BLESSED place to be in.  It is sweet fellowship with Him in His sufferings.  It is being in a place He is teaching me, and forming me into His image more and more.  So I will thank Him for this trial of faith.  I will learn to be content on the potter’s wheel and submit to the process with joy, knowing He is truly faithful.

I will bless His holy name in all of this, and trust Him.  Nothing is a surprise to Him, and He knows my name. He has the power to open doors for my husband for a different job, and take care of all our needs.

“Lord, you are good. I am blessed to be your child.  You are my true Father who takes care of me and loves to give good gifts to your children.  I will bless your name for all the wonderful things you have done and will continue to do.  Amen.”

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Angels Among Us

Wow, I just started this blog yesterday, and already have a testimony!  Goes to show how God (YHWH) works in our lives every day, in some small, yet significant way.  We just have to keep our eyes open for those daily blessings…in spirit, in the way He reveals His Word to us, in the way someone blesses us with kind words, thoughtful actions, and even in ways He shows us our faults in the gentle way He deals with us as sons and daughters.  Now on to the testimony, and the subject title :)…

We all have friends.  Not many of us have very good friends.  But there is a whole different class of friends, that I consider to be angels in disguise.  🙂  They are the ones who are ALWAYS there, through thick and thin, always willing to help out, who love you through good and bad, pretty and ugly, and who you can depend on when you need someone to be there for you.  I have a couple of friends like that.  Today, she brought me two huge boxes of diapers, and took advantage of a sale at Aldi and bought us a bunch of tortellini and ravioli, as well as mozzarella,  avocados, jars of pasta sauce, and cans of diced tomatoes.  It is enough to feed us dinner for a week!   If I had my camera phone with me (hubby has been taking it to work since we only have one and they haven’t given him a company phone) but I wish I could have taken a picture to share with you.

Another way God provides for us – through His people.  We have been the humble recipients of a couple of friends that have helped us in the past couple of months.  It is a humbling place to be, and honestly, the hardest for me, but I am willing to allow God to use these times to mold me and fashion me the way He wants.  I am the clay, He is the potter, and all I ask is that HE gets the glory!!

So, thank you Lord, for these precious “angels” in our lives, who have been used by you and for your glory.  May they be blessed in their giving and reap what they have sown in an abundant supply.  You bless those who ARE a blessing, Lord, so make us able to BE that blessing someday!

And to my “angel” friends, thank you.  You are a blessing in more ways than you know.  Not just a blessing financially, but to me, it feels like the Lord just reached down through you and gave me a hug, and said, “It’s going to be alright, daughter, I will take care of you.  I love you.”  It made me feel the love of God in an abundant way.

To God be the glory!

(PS, I don’t really believe our friends are angels – I am just saying there are certain people who are such blessings to us that they seem like angels.  Just wanted to throw that in just in case someone thought I might be teaching a strange donctrine! ;-)…)

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First Things First

Hello!!  Welcome to my journey.  I know we are all on our own journeys as well.  We all have a story to tell.  I love to write, and have been meaning to blog for awhile, but didn’t know quite what route or “niche” to blog in.  I thought about doing something that might help earn a little money, but then I thought…nope.  I don’t want to start a blog for that reason.  I want a blog that will bring glory to the One who set me free 20 years ago.  I owe my life to His honor, and I trust Him to provide for us, not myself.  I just want to shine His light through me, and tell of His awesome goodness, how He saved me from a life of sin and bondage and brought me into His light, and His Kingdom.  The joy is truly unspeakable and full of glory!  And someday, when He calls me home, I hope to leave somewhat of a memorial to His honor, to my family and children, and all who will listen.  He has done so much for me already, and I am guilty of not writing those things down, but no more!!  Whenever He does something in my life I want to share it with you, dear reader, in hopes that it will inspire you, draw you closer to Him, and bring you hope and encouragement.

That being said, not every day is “peachy” for me.  I have bad days, like everyone else.  I have trials, sorrows, storms of life and dark times that come to me, through His hands.  The difference, however, is that those trying times are not in vain to those who walk with God.  They are lessons, to show us a better way, to teach us humility, or to prune us to bear more spiritual fruit, to change our character and mature us spiritually, and are always opportunities to show His hand working in our lives, to bring us out of those trials.

Psalms 34:17-19 says,

“The righteous cry, and the LORD heareth, and delivereth them out of all their troubles.  The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.Many [are] the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all.”

Job went through probably the roughest, darkest time of all.  He was a righteous man, and walked with and honored the Lord every day.  Yet can you imagine what he went through?  It seemed like God had completely abandoned him, and he had done nothing wrong!   But see…he was TRIED.  Put through the fire.  There was darkness all around him, and even his so-called “friends” made things more miserable for him, saying that he was somehow in sin and needed to repent, or else why would all this have happened to him?  And then they accused him of having pride because he didn’t repent…but he didn’t need to!   Job still honored God and didn’t sin when he was surrounded by darkness, because he KNEW God’s character was holy, and righteous, and true, and that true justice belonged to Him.  He didn’t understand why it was happening, but he dared not accuse God of unrighteousness.  These are some of his very wise words.  If you are facing very trying times, pay attention to these words very carefully… (and in your devotion time, read the rest of Job 23, it is very encouraging!)

Job  23: 8-10

“Behold, I go forward, but he [is] not [there]; and backward, but I cannot perceive him:  On the left hand, where he doth work, but I cannot behold [him]: he hideth himself on the right hand, that I cannot see [him]:  But he knoweth the way that I take: [when] he hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold.”

You see, trials cause us to search our hearts, very carefully.  They make us look inwardly, outwardly, and really consider our own lives before Him.  They make us ask ourselves, “Is there anything I need to repent of?  Am I offending God in some way?  Is there a relationship I need to work on mending?  Are there things I need pruned out of my life?  What is the Lord trying to teach me?”  and the like.

1 Peter 1:6-9 says this:

“Wherein ye greatly rejoice, though now for a season, if need be, ye are in heaviness through manifold temptations:  That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ:  Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see [him] not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory:  Receiving the end of your faith, [even] the salvation of [your] souls.”

So here I am.  In the midst of probably the greatest trial I have ever been in.  There have been days of discouragement, I will admit.  There have been days where all I could do was cry.  But He continues to renew my strength, day by day, as I lean on Him.  He fills my heart with a joy no one can take away from me, just from knowing Him and knowing just WHO He is.  He is trustworthy.  He is faithful.  He loves me.  He owns this world, and tells me not to worry.  So I won’t.  I will wait on Him, and behold His salvation, and deliverance in each trial.  None of these things will move a person who truly knows and walks with God.  It is not just a belief, it is an experience.

So be encouraged today, and in the pages following, I trust there will be testimony after testimony of His faithfulness and goodness.  And His own works will bring Him glory.  These trials are not in vain, and I know they are for my good.  Though I can not see now, I have walked with Him long enough to know He will bring me through.  He has never, ever let me down.  And He won’t let you down either.  Put your trust in Him, and learn to wait on Him each day, listening, waiting, searching His Word diligently.  He will answer, I promise.

May His name be glorified in my life and may you find rest for your soul as you learn to:

“Come unto me, all [ye] that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.  For my yoke [is] easy, and my burden is light.”  Matthew 11:28-30

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